How MIOYM Evaluates Investments
MIOYM is built from the ground up to make investments directly without relying on layers of submanagers says Marc Cox of the MIOYM Group. By being vertically integrated and managing expenses carefully, we deliver real value to our investors and strive to outperform our competitors. When Marc Cox and the MIOYM Group evaluate potential investments, they generally identify strategies that are difficult for large investment management companies to execute. Excessive amounts of capital have the potential to ruin promising investment opportunities, so Marc Cox and the MIOYM Group tend to avoid highly competitive markets whenever possible.
Marc Cox and the MIOYM Group seek to invest in undervalued assets but do not pursue investments whose returns are based on the timing of a recovery in asset values. They consider a reliance on timing to be too volatile for our investment strategy. However, they have expertise in a niche, meaning that we make investments in products, people, and markets that we know well. This allows Marc Cox and the MIOYM Group to have strong perspectives relating to value, risks, and gains. In general, they would rather trade some of the potential upside of an investment in order to limit risk and volatility. Marc Cox and the MIOYM Group are fundamentally risk-averse, long-term investors.
Our firm understands that the housing market depends on economic trends says Marc Cox of the MIOYM Group. Hence, we actively pursue a deep understanding of both long-term and short-term demographic and housing trends. For example, one trend we have been following is an increased demand among millennials to live in urban areas with short commutes instead of suburban or rural areas with a long commute. Trends like this one drive our real estate investment decisions. At the same time, however, we aim to remain nimble enough to alter our investment strategy in accordance with market fluctuations. In some cases, this may mean returning capital to investors in one fund and launching new funds as market opportunities slow.
Marc Cox and the MIOYM Group believe that investments in single-family homes that preserve principal and generate current cash flow are available in under-served niche markets. Their investments allow investors to earn attractive returns on investments, typically between 10% and 25%. They also have short maturity periods, as most projects last between 12 and 48 months, minimizing interest rate risk. Lastly, they feature high liquidity; the portfolio turns over approximately once per year due to the short-term nature of renovation loans.
Marc Cox and the MIOYM Group put their customers first and are willing to build infrastructure and develop vertically integrated platforms to do so. This goes hand-in-hand with serving hard-to-reach niche markets and making a large number of small investments. By seeking to make positive impacts for everyone involved, we contribute to overall economic growth says Marc Cox of the MIOYM Group.